PolyTrans News
![]() Okino Computer Graphics, Inc.製品は30年以上の開発実績があります。 |
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PolyTransのエクスポート(出力)コンバーターは、メッシュデータ、NURBSジオメトリ、階層構造、ライト、カメラ、マテリアル、テクスチャー、バンプ、頂点カラー(RGBのみ)、スキニングデータ、スケルトン(ボーン、ジョイント)などをサポートしています。なお出力できる情報は各エクスポート(出力)コンバーターのサポート内容、およびフォーマットの仕様、PolyTransの仕様に基づきます。全ての情報が完全に出力できるとは限りませんので十分注意してください。 以下のPolyTrans 基本パッケージ (エクスポート) は、全てのPolyTrans/NuGrafに含まれている基本出力フォーマットです。基本パッケージ には、Adobe社Director用PolyTrans-for-Director plug-inも含まれます。
Mat=マテリアル・テクスチャーマップ、階層=階層構造、UV=Texture (u,v)座標、L&C=ライト&カメラ、Anim=アニメーション、Skin=Rigid/Smoothスキニング
The export converter writes out the scene database to a 3D Studio file including mesh data, smoothing group information, material attributes, bitmap references, viewport configurations, cameras, lights, and camera plus object animation data (where appropriate). It also provides for automatic bitmap conversion during file export.
This converter outputs almost every possible 3D Studio file attribute. For materials, a partial list includes all texture maps (texture # 1, texture # 2, reflect map, bump map, shininess map and opacity map), automatic planar & cubical environment maps, transparency values, phong values and shading modes (flat to metal). Note: the converter also does shading parameter matching so that, for example, colors and textures read in from Lightwave will be rendered fairly closely when exported to 3D Studio. Other exported attributes include view port settings, atmospheric effects and background color schemes. Geometry hierarchy, geometry attributes and the first keyframe of the animation section is output. The .3ds file format was the native file format of the old Autodesk "3D Studio R1-R4" software, which was popular up to about 1996 before its successor (3ds max, or 3D Studio MAX) replaced it. Having been around since the very late 1980's, it has grown to become an industry standard for transferring models between 3D programs, or for storing models for 3D resource catalogs (similar in status to Wavefront OBJ as a model archiving file format). Please do not confuse the .3ds format with the 3D Studio MAX .max format. You will find throughout the 3D industry that some companies refer to .3ds as the "3DS MAX file format" but this is not true. The native file format of 3DS MAX is the .max format, whereas .3ds is just a legacy import/export file format ported over to 3DS MAX by Tom Hudson during the transition from 3D Studio R4. Suggestion: Do not use the .3ds format to transfer data to/from 3DS MAX (especially for huge CAD datasets). There are many people who continue to do this. The best method is to use the directly integrated PolyTrans-for-MAX plug-in system. Note that the .3ds format is no longer an ideal file format as it once was. The .3ds format has several serious shortcomings, many of which probably stem from the fact that 3D Studio R1 grew out of Tom Hudson's mid-80's "CAD-3D" on the Atari platform:
The 3MF export conversion system intelligently and robustly converts from the world’s most popular and complex 3D programs (MCAD, AEC, DCC and VR/AR) into 3D Manufacturing Format (3MF) files for subsequent 3D printing.
The 3D Manufacturing Format (3MF) is a 3D printing file format spearheaded by Microsoft that allows design applications to send full-fidelity 3D models to other 3D applications, platforms, services and 3D printers. As explained by Microsoft, "3MF files describe the appearance and structure of 3D models for the purpose of manufacturing (3D printing)." It was primarily designed to replace the simplistic and aging 1987-era STL file format for 3D printing (as well as OBJ and VRML2). Some salient features of the 3MF exporter:
Starting in 1997, with several generation of versions thereafter, Okino has developed a special native plug-in version of PolyTrans (referred to as "PolyTrans-for-MAX") which allows the 3DS MAX & VIZ programs to read and write all the 3D file formats supported by NuGraf and PolyTrans. This is the only formal method in which the .max file format can be accommodated by the NuGraf/PolyTrans software. Please note that it is not possible to import or export .max files directly from inside the NuGraf or PolyTrans stand-alone software itself (see below for explanation); The .max file format is not a pure 3D file format (as is the .3ds file format) but rather it contains a "state snapshot" of how the various plug-in modules with 3DS MAX interact with each other to produce the final displayed mesh model. In order to read/write .max files we must run PolyTrans directly inside 3DS MAX itself. This is because we need to have 3DS MAX evaluate its "stack" of plug-in modules that operate on the base mesh. The evaluated output mesh is then sent to PolyTrans. Vice versa, we need to gain access to the core of 3DS MAX to import data from PolyTrans and save it to the 3DS MAX internal database. Please note that these special plug-in modules operate INSIDE 3DS MAX itself and not inside the stand-alone NuGraf or PolyTrans software. These modules are NOT to be placed in the Okino 'vcplugin' directory. If you wish to transfer data from NuGraf, PolyTrans or Maya to 3DS MAX, execute those programs and save out an Okino ".bdf" file. Now load in the .bdf file via the PolyTrans-for-MAX plug-in system.
This export converter writes out motion capture data in the Acclaim (.amc and .asf) file format. This file format describes animated skeletons in terms of bones, hierarchy and angle constraints.
このエクスポートコンバーターは、モーションデータをBiovision (.bvh)ファイルフォーマットで出力します。このファイル形式では、スケルトンの回転アニメーション、階層構造および回転角制限のみが含まれています。(ジオメトリデータは含まれません)
Okino's CINEMA 4D export conversion system intelligently and robustly converts from the world's mostpopular and complex 3D programs (MCAD, AEC, DCC, Animation and VisSim) into highly accurate andefficient .c4d files. The conversion is direct, from source file format to .c4d file format, with nousage of the MAXON CINEMA-4D software. Technically, this is the firstprofessional conversion program which can read and write to the .c4d file format (some people may beconfused of other programs which support CINEMA-4D v6 format but that has been obsolete since 1998).
An overview of its salient technical features can be read here. Refer to the following main documentation:
Okino provides the main, professional implementation of the COLLADA file format in this exporter system.It is a full featured and well implemented exporter to the COLLADA .dae file format. It supports avariety of 3D geometry output choices, hierarchy, skinning + skeletons, materials, textures,meta data and animation.
As a passing note, COLLADA has long been the best 3D file format to import/export with Blender and not FBX (whichmay surprise many Blender users). Okino has been involed with Blender since its very beginnings and hence tests its import/exportconverters under particularly stressful conversion conditions. Blender's COLLADA implementation properly supports geometry, hierarchy,part naming, instancing and material conversion. The two runner ups would be FBX and VRML2 but they are not recommended for use with Blender. An overview of its salient features can be read here. Please refer to the corresponding COLLADA importer.
This export converter writes out ASCII and binary DirectX (.x) formatted files. Mesh data (with vertex normals, vertex uv texture coordinates and vertex colors), materials, texture references, hierarchy and object animation are all exported. In addition, vertex weights used for mesh/skeleton deformation skinning are exported. Automatic bitmap file conversion is done to the PPM and BMP file formats.
※ = The DirectX file format has no support for lights or cameras. ※ = DirectX is very much associated with bones and skinning but it has no explicit "bone" primitive. Any hierarchy node in the DirectX file format can act as a bone, just as it occurs in the Softimage dotXSI file format. PolyTrans has very strong and robust support for exporting skeletons and mesh skinning information from various source 3D file formats and animation packages. The main features include:
This export converter writes the scene database as either 3-point or 4-point polygons using the 3DFACE or POLYFACE MESH entities. Polygons with 5 or more vertices, concave polygons, or polygons with holes are automatically triangulated. All polygons will be assigned DXF color # 1.
If the file is written using the POLYFACE MESH option then there is no need to weld the geometry data when the DXF file is read into another program (since the data output to the DXF file will be automatically welded by this converter).
This export converter writes out raw FACT files to the Electric Image animation system (now called 'Universe'). FACT files are also a common format to move scene data in and out of the Form/Z modeling program.
Please note: if you wish to export animation data to Electric Image Universe then use the Lightwave export converter file format. Features of the export converter:
Okino was the first professional conversion company to fully implement the FBX file format from its get-go,long before most people even heard of the file format.
This geometry export converter writes out Autodesk FilmBox Files (FBX).This export converter supports meshes, NURBS surfaces, spline shapes (converted to meshes or NURBSsurfaces), lights, cameras, materials, automatic bitmap conversion, skeleton (bones) and mesh deformationskinning, object animation, camera animation, light animation, material animation and more. Statistically, the Okino FBX exporter has been primarily used for moving data into Unity, the Unreal Engine and MODO. If you are exporting data into 3ds Max or Maya then please use Okino's PolyTrans-for-3dsMax or PolyTrans-for-Maya software. Please refer to the corresponding FBX importer.
このジオメトリエクスポートコンバーターは、高度に最適化されたファイルを作成するためのユーザー定義可能なオプションと処理ステージの広範なセットを使用し、業界標準の glTF および glB ファイルを書き出す事ができます。このエクスポートコンバーターは、オプションの頂点カラー、3Dポイント セット、NURBS サーフェスと 3D スプラインシェイプ (メッシュまたは 3DLineプリミティブに変換) を備えたポリゴンメッシュ、複雑なメタデータの埋め込み、ジオメトリのインスタンス化、ピボット ポイント処理、Draco圧縮、オプションのライト、カメラをサポートします。 マテリアル (UV 座標とテクスチャの複数のレイヤーを含む)、自動ビットマップ変換、自動ビットマップ スケーリングと埋め込み、スケルトン (ボーン) とメッシュ変形スキニング、オブジェクト アニメーション、カメラ アニメーション、ライト アニメーションなどをサポート
PolyTransでは glTF および glB インポーターも提供されます。
This geometry utility saves out the database to the HOOPS Stream File (.hsf) file format. The HOOPS Stream File (HSF) file format allows highly compressed files containing 3D data and bitmap images to be streamed over Internet connections of any bandwidth. The HOOPS Stream File (HSF) format is a robust, customizable and highly compressed 2D/3D visualization format specifically tailored to the needs of displaying 3D model and scene data. Through its rapid widespread adoption and open, published nature, HSF is fast becoming a ubiquitous medium for applications to share visual data and for end users to publish and store their visual data.
Advantages of publishing to the HSF Web streaming file format:
This export converter writes a Lightscape preparation file (.lp) containing all geometry, lights, and material attributes needed to render the scene within the Lightscape Visualization System. Even complicated scenes can be exported quickly and usually require only minimal adjustment from within Lightscape before they can be fully rendered.
The main features of the exporter include:
This geometry export converter writes out Lightwave compatible object (.lwo) and scene (.lws) files, complete with all geometry, mesh attributes, bones and skinning, hierarchy information, lights and cameras, materials, texture maps, automatic bitmap file conversion, object and camera animation, and material attributes. This, and the Lightwave file importer, are two of the more important core converters in Okino software since the start of their development in 1994.
The following information is output to the object and scene files:
The NGRAIN Export Converter for Okino's PolyTrans supports the conversion of all 3D importer formats supported by PolyTrans to the NGRAIN format (3KO). NGRAIN 3KO (3D Knowledge Object) files are used by applications such as NGRAIN Producer and NGRAIN Mobilizer. This NGRAIN Export Converter also allows you to convert 3D files one at a time or by batch conversion.
This export converter writes out the scene database as a C code program in the Open GL scene description language. The resulting program can then be compiled and used to draw the 3d database directly using OpenGL. The database is output as a series of polygons with vertex positions, normals, colors and texture coordinates. In addition, the surface definitions (materials) associated with each polygon is used to set up the OpenGL shading parameters. Please note that each object is output as a separate C code function in the resulting file.
Features of this exporter:
The Okino .bdf file format is the native format used by Okino's PolyTrans and NuGraf products. It is a "snap shot" of the core Okino 3D scene graph database and in essence is a super-set of the capabilities of most 3D files formats. It is the preferred and best file format to use when converting data between 3ds max (via the PolyTrans-for-MAX native plug-in system) and Maya (via the PolyTrans-for-Maya native plug-in system).
The PLY geometry export converter writes out scenes in the Stanford PLY ASCII file format, includingmesh attributes such as vertex normals, vertex colors and vertex texture coordinates. An optional materialelement can also be exported. A PLY file contains the description of exactly one object.
The PLY format is NOT intended to be a general scene description language, a shading language ora catch-all modeling format. This means that it includes no transformation matrices, object instantiation,modeling hierarchies, or object sub-parts. It does not include parametric patches, quadric surfaces,constructive solid geometry operations, triangle strips, polygons with holes, or texture descriptions. Typically, PLY files are associated with 3D scanning and object reconstruction. Please refer to the corresponding PLY importer.
This geometry export converter writes out the scene database to a RenderMan RIB v3.1 compliant ASCII file which can then be read into other programs, or more likely, be sent off to PIXAR's RenderMan renderer or the BMRT renderer. The converter exports meshed geometry (with proper segmentation so that shaders are assigned properly), trimmed NURBS, bicubic patches, cameras, lights, embedded material definitions, texture creation commands and animation of frames. Automatic bitmap conversion or filename extension renaming is also performed.
The converter writes out a full RIB specification that can be read into a RIB compliant renderer and rendered immediately. The converter primarily outputs optimized indexed polygon arrays using the "PointsPolygon" and "PointsGeneralPolygons" primitives but will also output fully trimmed NURBS patches and (non-trimmed) bicubic patch primitives directly. For your information, Renderman renders trimmed NURBS patches incredibly fast! Camera and object animation data can also be output; a Renderman 'Frame' is output for each frame in the scene, with each frame containing the cameras and geometry translated to that frame's time. ※ = Keyframe animation will be handled by evaluating the scene at each frame and outputting multiple RIB files, or one RIB file with all frames in it.
This export converter saves out the database to the OpenNURBS .3dm file format. This is the main file format used by the Rhino-3D NURBS modeling package by Robert McNeel and Associates.
The following data is exported to the OpenNURBS .3dm file format:
This export converter writes out the scene database to the Shockwave-3D file format. This was a WEB Streaming fileformat developed together by Intel and Macromedia. This is not to be confused with the Shockwave or Flash "2D" vector file format. Shockwave-3D is a normal 3D geometry file format with varying levels of lossy data compression to reduce data file size.
One primary use of this export converter is to take 3D asset data into the Macromedia Director program. The .sw3d files can be imported as 3D assets. This Shockwave-3D export converter is used as one key component in the PolyTrans-for-Director native plug-in system.
Okino's professional SketchUp conversion system intelligentlyand robustly creates native SketchUp files from almost every 3D CAD, DCC, animation and VisSim program.
SketchUp is a popular 3D design product originally developed by @Last Software ( and nowowned by Trimble, Inc. Okino recognized the growing popularity of SketchUp (well before it was purchased by Google and then Trimble) and as suchwe worked directly with the original SketchUp developer to create the very first set of independent, professional and fully compliant SketchUp 3D converters outsideof the SketchUp program itself. Okino's SketchUp conversion system is used throughout the 3D production world by everyone fromDisney to LucasFilm to Sony Productions to NASA and many people just like yourself. It handles all the complex problemsfaced by converting generic datasets into the SketchUp, and especially when dealing with CAD datasets. Please refer to the corresponding SketchUp importer.
This geometry export converter writes out the 3d database to an ASCII formatted or binary formatted 'StereoLithography STL' file which can be read by many CAD/CAM related software packages.
Okino's mirror set of U3D import and export convertermodules are two of the most well developed and feature rich converter modules availablefor handling U3D files. U3D files are most often associated with the 3D models which areembedded in Adobe® PDF files.
This export converter saves out files in the U3D file format, including meshes, materials, hierarchy,lights, cameras, animation, skeletons (bones) and skinned meshes. The Adobe® Acrobat® PDFviewer does not support all of these entities, particularly skinned meshes. Once a U3D file has been created it can then be embedded into Adobe Acrobat PDF files using the Adobe Acrobat® Pro program. An overview of its salient technical features can be read here. Okino also has a long history involved with the U3D file format.U3D has quite a tainted history in the development community. It was derived from the old Intel IFX 3D gaming toolkitof the 1990's and forced upon developers as the Macromedia 'Shockwave-3D file format' in 2000. The Shockwave-3D formatwas abandoned in 2002 and then it resurfaced in 2004 when Intel forced it upon Adobe as the 3D file format to usewithin 3D PDF files (instead of Adobe using the better X3D file format). With the IFX toolkit being so buggy, Okinospent much of 2004 through to 2007 debugging the IFX toolkit and creating the main, defacto implementation of the U3Dimport/export converters.
This export converter outputs clean and detailed files to the VRML 1.0, VRML 2.0 (VRML 97) and a sub-set of the Open Inventor v2 file formats. VRML is an ASCII file format for describing 3d scenes which is primary used in interactive virtual reality applications.
You should be made aware that VRML 2.0 is a very good and generic format to transfer data to other 3D programs (ahead of the .3ds (3D Studio) and .obj (Wavefront OBJ) file formats) if you cannot move data in a native form. Features of the VRML 1.0/Inventor v2 export converter include:
This geometry export converter writes out the scene database as a series of optimized indexed polygon meshes (faces and their associated indices) along with optional normal and texture data (if its exists within the database). A Wavefront material definition file (.mtl) can also be exported which supports all material and texture options (ie: Ka, Ks, Kd, map_Ka, map_Kd, map_Ks, map_Bump, etc). The export converter also features extensive automatic 2d bitmap conversion options and features (see dialog box description below).
※ - The Wavefront OBJ file format does not have support for hierarchy, vertex colors, animation, lights, cameras, skinning or other more common scene file contents. The Wavefront file format is quite robust and is a popular format used to transfer entire object geometries between 3D packages. No hierarchy information is output since the .OBJ file format has no methods to describing hierarchy; each sub-object of a hierarchy will nonetheless be exported as a unique group whose name's match the original object names in the internal database hierarchy.
Okino's X3D exporter (and corresponding importer) are one of the first set of production-quality X3D and Classic VRML converters to come to market, just as Okino had provided the first industry standard set of re-purposing converters for VRML1 and VRML2 in 1996 and 1998 respectively (and which are still two of our most popular file formats today, a decade later). They were developed in full cooperation with the Web3D Consortium and the U.S. Navy.
"X3D" is the next generation standard, a superset of the VRML2 specification. It is an Open Standards XML-enabled 3D file format to enable real-time communication of 3D data across all applications and network applications. It has a rich set of features for use in engineering and scientific visualization, CAD and Architecture, Medical visualization, Training and simulation, multimedia, entertainment, educational, and more. Where VRML1 and VRML2 dominated the 3D market for the last decade, it is expected that X3D will become the successor and replacement for the next decade. More information about the X3D file format and initiative can be found at As mentioned by Robert Lansdale, President & CEO of Okino, I would like to impress on our Okino customer user base the importance of this new generation of X3D import/export converters. Almost every month a new 3D file format is introduced to the market, often because the developers of the file format do not believe that existing file formats are acceptable. Typically this is internally motivated by company politics or the common 'not invented here' mentality. The current 3D market is becoming glutted with an overabundance of similar 3D file formats, yet that does not need to be the case. One of the longest standing and most successful 3D file formats since 1996 has been VRML2, as it was designed to be an extensive, open and standards-based data transfer file format. VRML2, and its new X3D XML-based successor, are stable and well established file formats that will most likely outlast many of today's existing 3D formats. Okino's customers have had great success with our bi-directional VRML 1+2 conversion pipelines since the 90's and hence we decided to collaborate with the Web3D Consortium and the US Navy to extend these capabilities to include production-quality X3D and Classic VRML support. VRML2 and X3D are very verbose file formats, with many nuances, which made the implementation and testing of our second generation converters very time intensive.
The Okino XAML exporter acts as a middleware tool. It importsfrom almost every major 3D CAD, DCC and VisSim file format, then optimizes/reduces/composes the scenedata, after which the scene data is exported cleanly out to an ASCII .xaml file. Downstream UX authoringprograms then import the 3D XAML files to compose a .NET user interface.
For example, this exporter can take complex 3D scenes from Maya, 3ds Max, CINEMA 4D, Maya, Softimage, Lightwave, allmajor CAD assembly formats, (and many other 3D programs), turn them into compliant XAML files, thenuse them for Microsoft Windows button creation, hit targets, form controls, and much more in adownstream UX design program. As part of Okino's long term commitment to Microsoft's XAML initiative, we have developed a very nice and useable 2D/3D XAML viewer which is being made available to the XAML community for free. We have spent several years working with XAML and during that time we had found it quite difficult to (1) easily locate the known free XAML viewers via Google, (2) find one which implemented the features we required as part of our critical 3D data translation work.
This geometry export converter writes out ASCII XGL formatted files as well as their ZGL compressed equivalents. Triangular mesh data (with vertex normals and vertex uv texture coordinates), material properties, embedded texture images and object hierarchy are exported from the XML-style XGL file.
The XGL file format is most often used to convey data from several CAD packages into Okino software (such as SolidWorks, Solid Edge, Autodesk Inventor, etc). This exporter can be used to convert all of the Okino supported import file formats to the XGL format, which can then be subsequently used in RealityWave WEB-based viewing and collaboration products. ![]()
CAD/Packは、多くのCADソフトからのデータの「読み込み」を可能とするPolyTrans/NuGraf用の別売オプションパッケージです。 しかしながら、CAD/Packには以下の「書き出し」可能フォーマットも含まれています。
**"+ ノート"のリンクをクリックすると詳細が表示されます。
This exporter outputs full 3D scenes to the Autodesk DWF 3D file format, including mesh, polyline and trimmed NURBS geometry, object/light/camera/material animation data, materials with embedded texture maps, lights, cameras and a plethora of options to output highly optimized files. The structure of the DWF file format is ideal for creating highly compressed files for Internet download.
Please also refer to the corresponding DWF-3D import converter.
The DXF and DWG geometry export converter writes out the scene database as either 3-point or 4-point polygons using the 3DFACE or PolyFace mesh entities. Polygons with 5 or more vertices, concave polygons, or polygons with holes are automatically triangulated.
Please also refer to the corresponding DXF/DWG import converter.
一般的に、IGESファイルを読み込む殆どのCADプログラムはジオメトリデータが「トリムされたNURBS」あるいは「BREPソリッド」である事を必要とします。PolyTrans内のソースデータが「トリムNURBS」である場合、このIGESエクスポーターは、「トリムされたNURBS」(エンティティ 144/142/128)としてIGESに出力するでしょう。 なお、PolyTransにNURBSのまま読み込めるフォーマットは非常に限定されている点に注意してください。SOFTIMAGE 3D、Maya等のごく一部のフォーマットのみNURBSのままの読み込みをサポートしています。 またOkino社のIGESエクスポーターは、IGESエンティティ 106 としてポリゴンメッシュを出力する事ができます。しかしながら以下に解説するように、決してポリゴンメッシュをNURBSやソリッドのIGESとして書き出せる訳ではない点に注意してください。殆どのCADソフトウェアはポリゴンデータのIGESを読み込む事ができないでしょう。 IGESエンティティ106のポリゴンメッシュ出力をサポートしたのは、あるユーザーからのリクエストです。CADソフトでテキスト形状のモデルを作成する為に、2Dドラフティングのアウトラインとしてポリゴンメッシュを下敷きに利用したいからというリクエストでした。 近年普及しつつある 3DプリンターにはSTLの変わりにIGESポリゴンを読み込むドライバーソフトが存在します。しかしながら多くの3Dソフトに標準のIGESエクスポーターはポリゴンのIGES出力に対応していないケースが多いです。(3dsMaxなど) その場合、PolyTransのIGESエクスポーターを使えばポリゴン形式のIGESを出力する事が可能になるでしょう。 ※ 予めご了承ください ※ このエクスポートコンバーターは、ポリゴンメッシュをIGESに書き出す事が可能ですが、ポリゴンメッシュを「NURBS」もしくは「Solid」として出力する訳ではありません。 3ds Max, Maya, XSIなどのエンターテイメント系ソフトウェアで作成した「メッシュ」データを、Catia、Pro/Engineer, SolidWorks, Solid Edge, Autodesk InventorなどのCADソフトへデータで加工できる状態で受け渡したいという要望はOkino社のユーザー共通のリクエストです。 しかし残念ながら「それはとても難しい」リクエストです。 多くのCAD系ソフト(殆どはソリッドモデラー)で加工できるIGESは、トリム情報を含んだNURBSデータ(BREPソリッドとして再構築できる状態)である必要があります。ポリゴンメッシュのデータは、そのままではIGESサーフェスとして変換する事はできません。 もしポリゴンメッシュをCADで利用できるようにするには、NURBSとして変換する必要があります。ポリゴンメッシュをNURBSに変換するには「サーフェース再構築(サーフェス・リバースエンジニアリング)」ソフトウェアなどを別途購入し、ポリゴンメッシュ上に対話的にNURBSサーフェスを貼り付けNURBSサーフェスへ変換する作業を行う必要があるでしょう。多くの場合「サーフェース再構築(サーフェス・リバースエンジニアリング)」ソフトウェアはPolytransよりも数レベル上の価格帯のソフトになります。 ![]()
JTインポーターは、UGS社から認可された公認の「JT Open」ツールキットの下に構築されています。純正の「JT Open」ツールキットに基く事で、様々なソフトウェア間、PLM業界のあらゆる場所でJTファイルの一貫性を保証します。
**この CAD データ読み込みオプションは、UGS社がライセンスするJT Open toolkitモジュールに基づいています。
その為、製品価格とは別にUGS社が指定する年間保守料金が必要になります。 NOTES: